Wednesday, November 25, 2009


So lately you've probably missed my usual writing updates. Yeah right those things were booorrrinng. But I have been working mostly under my other name Wynter O'Reilly. I've managed to get a blog up under her name and also got two contracts. One new book out and another coming in 2011. Yeah I know that's a long way off.
As for what I've been doing as Jade we'll I sent in a ms called Scarlet Angel to Dark Roast Press. The accept now I'm waiting on the usually business stuff and edits. I've also been locked in my writing cave working hard on a novella and novel. Yes I'm still plugging away at my full length paranomal work. If it's ever done I will be throwing a huge party, seriously. I sound like the Little Train That Could, it's almost done... it's almost done... Guess I'm hoping if I say it enough it'll finally magically get done. Wish me luck!

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